District Convention
49th Annual Convention
NOVEMBER 8 & 9, 2024 Radisson Hotel and Convention Center, Fond du Lac
The Lions and Leos of 27-B1 hosted the 49th Annual Convention of District 27-B1 at the Radisson Convention Center in Fond du Lac. International Director Anthony Paradiso from Rockville Center, New York addressed the audience. 184 attended.
Friday night hospitality was a farm/western theme as we gathered by the pool. Music and dancing was provided by CW DJ Services. Raffles and flying farm animals entertained the crowd.
Saturday, opening ceremony began at 8:00 with a flag presentation. A remembrance ceremony and nominations for offices took place before lunch along with presentations from Dogs to Dogs, Wisconsin Missions - Pine Ridge Reservation mission, WLF, Birch-Sturm and Pride Endowment Fund and Youth Exchange. The day continued with lunch where ID Anthony spoke on the benefits of spreading the word on our service and asking those we serve to join us in membership.
A Birch-Sturm Fellowship was awarded to IPDG Greg Kubichka by the clubs of the district.
Presidential Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to PCC BJ Blahnik from the Town of Sheboygan Lions Club and Kailey Heinz from the Grand River Lions Club and one was also presented to the Van Dyne Lions Club for building a new medical locker on their club grounds.
​The Wisconsin Lions Foundation presented the Sherwood Lions with a plaque for their outstanding donation this past year.
Once again PDG Len Quinn's cowboy hat was auctioned off. The hat's high bid went to the Ripon Lions Club for $625. Proceeds will go to Leader Dogs for the Blind. The Lion Bank was awarded to the Cleveland Lions for donating $6,250 to numerous Lions Projects.
Afternoon seminars were given by the medical locker clubs in Van Dyne, Larsen-Winchester and Appleton area clubs. Also a Leo seminar and Eye Bank, LCIF, awards, Lions Portal and Restoring Hope Transplant House seminars were held. An interesting seminar on using AI to help Lions to start or revitalize clubs by writing news releases and finding who to contact in a city that could partner with Lions clubs.
Every club was asked to bring a gift or two to be included in our annual “Bucket Raffles”
The day was finalized with a banquet with guest speakers and voting results.
The District Raffle results are: TBD
1st: Winnebago East Shore Lions
2nd: Town of Sheboygan Lions
3rd: Mishicot Lions
4th: Lion Bill Heus
5th: Mishicot Lions
6th: Random Lake Lions
Voting results are as follows.
District Governor Elect, Roxanne Wendt, Van Dyne Lions
First Vice District Governor Elect, Barb Leichtfuss, Van Dyne Lions
Second Vice District Governor Elect, Laurie Sasada, Grand River Lions
WLF Director, PDG BJ Blahnik, Town of Sheboygan Lions
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Director, PDG Greg Kubichka, Chilton Lions
#4 from Rosendale Middle School won the Peace Poster Contest.
The #6 pin entry also won.
The Best Western Premiere in Oshkosh was the choice for the 2025 district convention.
The convention site for 2026 will return to the Radisson in Fond du Lac.
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Last update: Nov. 14, 2024 | Lions logo is a registered trademark of Lions International.