Vision Screening

District 27-B1 Vision Screening Mission: “To provide vision screening to the youth of our community for those who do not have access to pediatric eye screening programs. Our goal is to identify vision issues early enough in a child’s life to assist in correcting vision for life” In pursuit of our ongoing campaign against blindness, the Lions have adopted the use of Autorefractor cameras to help diagnose eye problems at a much younger age. The Autorefractor or sometimes called a Photorefractor camera uses infrared imaging to diagnose many common eye conditions so our children can be treated for these conditions.
District 27-B1 has purchased 3 Spot Cameras for use in our district with the assistance of a grant from the Lions Clubs International
Foundation. Clubs decide to take on the project of Children Vision Screening and then train their members to visit schools and community centers to screen children 6 months to middle school age. If the camera detects a vision loss or problem, the parents of the child will be notified and suggested that they seek the services of an eye professional for a more thorough examination.

Left: Stockbridge Lion Jim Hooyman and county nurse Connie Schaefer.
The age group was 3 years to 4 years of which 43 where screened with 7 referrals.
Right: New Holstein Lions Betty Gunderson, Mary Jo Abler, and county nurse Wanda Rieth.
The age group was 2 years to 4 years of which 83 were screened with 11 referrals.