Sheboygan Noon Lions
Chartered November 12, 1968
Incorporated July 15, 1987
The Sheboygan Noon Lions Club is a part of the International Lions Club. The Sheboygan Noon Lions are people who volunteer their time to help local, state, and world humanitarian causes. We help those in need and are committed to our cause and our motto "We Serve".
Local Community Service Projects
Provide pre-school eye screenings.
Highway clean-up project.
Provide scholarships for deserving high school graduates.
Help the Salvation Army and their "Bell Ringing" program and eye glasses for needy individuals.
Sponsor a Little League baseball team.
Sponsor of the Sheboygan "Field of Dreams"
Sponsor handicapped children and adults to the Lions Camp
Help provide Leader Dogs to local visually handicapped people.
Past projects have included eye glasses for needy adults, machines for the visually impaired, Odyssey of the Mind, QUEST programs, Sheboygan County Recycling, K-9 dogs for the City of Sheboygan, contributions to the YMCA and the Sheboygan Rehabilitations, and assisting Sheboygan Evening Lions in the 1998 flood relief efforts.
Statewide Service Projects
Collect eye tissue transport to Madison for eye cornea transplant as a supporter of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation Eye Bank.
Support the Wisconsin Lions Camp for the Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired, and Cognitively Disabled children (6-18)
Contribute to the Diabetes Association
Participate in the Mission to Mexico Project (set up used eye glasses clinics in Mexico)
International Service Projects
Collect eye glasses for distribution to the needy in underdeveloped nations of the world. Local members participate in the delivery and distribution.
Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) - providing funds for disaster relief around the world. Building Hospitals and training of Doctors in third world countries.
Officers & Contact Information
Mike Stubler
Myra Schneider
Pat Campbell
If you would like to find out more information about the Lions Club or would be interested in joining
you can contact any of the officers or mail the club at:
P.O. Box 585
Sheboygan, WI 53082
If you would like join you may attend a meeting.
The meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at noon at:
Lakeshore Lanes
2519 S Business Dr.
Sheboygan, WI